TExec Component for Delphi. Uploaded by 100524,2162 Dave Taylor. Component to run another Windows app. Runs WINEXEC. Progname & params specified in strings can wait for app to complete, before continuing. Source code is in DEXEC.PAS Toolbar icon is in DEXEC.DCR Use Delphi main screen 'Options' to Install the component. Appears on 'System' toolbar Properties: .Progname = Drive/Directory/Name of program to execute .Progparams = Optional parameters for program .Show = Normal, Minimized, Maximized .Wait = True causes wait for called task to finish before return .Wait = False returns immediately .Timeout = 0 (When Wait=True, waits until called program is closed) .Timeout = n (When Wait=True, returns after n seconds even if program is still running) Feedback: .ReturnCode = 0 everything happened OK .ReturnCode = 1 error .ReturnCode = 2 timeout occured .Reasoncode = n (when .ReturnCode = 1 gives windows error code) .Message = text (when .ReturnCode = 1 gives meaning of error code) .Instance (If exec worked, instance of started task) Methods: .Exec Runs the command Example: Exec1.Progname:='NOTEPAD.EXE'; Exec1.Progparams:='WIN.INI'; Exec1.Show:=Normal; Exec1.Wait:=True; Exec1.Timeout:=30; Exec1.Exec; Runs NOTEPAD to edit WIN.INI. Waits until NOTEPAD is closed or 30 seconds elapsed before returning. Note: you should maybe hide or disable the form before using Exec with Wait=True ? or var p1,p2: array [0..255] of char; begin exec1.progname:='c:\windows\notepad.exe'; exec1.exec; if exec1.returncode<>0 then messagebox(form1.handle,strpcopy(p1,exec1.message),strpcopy(p2,'myapp'),mb_iconstop+mb_ok); end;